4 Reasons To Hire A Photographer On Your Family Vacation


4 Reasons To Hire a Photographer On Your Family Vacation/ New York City Photographer

4 reasons to hire a photographer for your next family vacation to NYC. 

“You never realize how important pictures are until they are all you have” -Unknown

Hiring a professional photographer on your NYC family vacation can be beneficial in so many ways. If you are like me, you are the one behind the camera documenting those special moments never getting a full family image. You may not think it’s a big deal now, but trust me, your kids will appreciate seeing you in these images later on. Not to mention that hiring a professional photographer can be a fun and memorable experience you will cherish for years to come. Here are 4 more reasons to hire a photographer for your next family vacation to NYC. 

1. A local knows unique spots for family photos

New York City offers so many options for you to have your family photos taken. A photographer familiar with New York City’s iconic locations, can suggest the best spots for unique and stunning family portraits, providing a local touch to your vacation memories. If you prefer a more creative shoot, your local photographer knows where to take you for optimal results. This may include The West Village, Tribeca, and Soho, locations that are not the typical tourist photo locations.

2. No need for those awkward selfie poses

A skilled photographer knows how to capture images that represent your true self. No need for those awkward selfie poses where everyone looks uncomfortable and unnatural. They know how to position you where you are most flattering. No need to say “cheese”, just being yourself with the people you love is enough for a skilled photographer to get beautiful images. The guidance of a photographer can also help capture those moments that really represent your personality and family dynamic without any stress. 

3. Professional Quality

There is much more to a photographer’s work than setting up a shot and then clicking the buttons on the camera. Lighting, composition, and post processing are critical in ensuring that your photos have a polished professional look, surpassing what a typical tourist snapshot might offer.

Furthermore, a skilled photographer aims to get images perfect in camera, but there is almost always some editing to be done afterwards. This ensures that every image is consistent with the photographer’s brand and reflects their editing style, in many cases, the main reason why they got hired in the first place. 

4. A family keepsake

Taking family photos while on vacation will preserve those memories and bring back the fun and laughter. These are memories that will last a lifetime.  Family photos are truly priceless, they are treasures that you will cherish and be grateful that you have preserved. 

Accompanying today’s blog post are photos from Barbara’s family portrait session taken in midtown. Barbara, Trevor and their two beautiful babies were visiting from Canada and celebrating their wedding anniversary. Barbara, who’s a photographer herself, wanted a creative shoot to document a typical morning with her family in a new city, so we started the morning session at Rosetta Cafe

Book a session with me on your next family vacation HERE.

Enjoy the images!

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